AI Photo Manipulations for Publication

I wanted to share with you some of my latest work using AI photo manipulations for publication called MARIKA MAGAZINE.  As you maybe aware, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is all the rage these days and let me press it’s nothing new.  I’ve been using AI technology for years to expand beyond my imagination. Word on the street is that this “AI Technology” will change the photography industry forever and perhaps even end it.  Honestly you can not replace the creative mind and the time one puts into this industry.  If anything, AI Technology allows the creative person, such as myself, to create a faster easier workflow.   I personally adore technology for how much easier it makes my life, 

If you worked with me on a photoshoot, you know I share with you how easy editing can be nowadays.  I always walk a person through the editing process to hide blemishes, whiten teeth, fix fly away hairs etc. 

Now these examples are a bit extreme and super creative, however it can also be used in other ways that are more practical.  I will share how I use AI technology for practical use at a later time; make sure to join my mailing list for updates.


Before After

AI (Artificial Intelligence) Manipulations

Before After

Mylar Manipulations using AI Technology

Before After

And now for the tear sheets for this publication.  Please take note of the team credits.  I know how sensitive people can get if they are not mentioned.  Trust me it is always a good rule of thumb to mention your team when working on projects. Otherwise they will hound you all day till you mention their names.  Honestly this shoot was a collaborative effort and I am so grateful to have such experience working with other creative minds. However the photo manipulations I exhibited here was my own idea.