Taking a Break from Instagram

When I started my photography business in 2005 Instagram didn’t exist.  The world was way different back then and I didn’t suffer from imposter syndrome.  This is the main cause to why I am taking a break from Instagram.  I want to be my best creative self so that I can provide my current and new potential clients my best work.

I can not afford to spend countless wasted time and energy scrolling through content.   Instead I should be spending that time creating my own content and interacting in the present moment with others.  Social media as a whole drains the life out of me.  I know the title says “Taking a Break from Instagram” but I may just do so on all social platforms.

Time is going by fast and the last thing I need is my metal state of mind to be mushed by the fake facade people put out there. I want to be present and happy again. So I have decided to take a social media cleanse.

I miss the person I was before social media.  I miss waking up happy to be alive.  I am sure I will not miss waking up happy only to find myself drained after scrolling content that placed thoughts in my mind that weren’t there before.

My business thrives based on two factors. One the work I provide my clients with and two the traffic I draw to my website.  After 19 years in this game I have survived without the help of Instagram. In fact Instagram in comparison to the two factors I mentioned is nearly nothing to acknowledge.   Instagram is a huge waste of my energy and frankly it is killing my creative spirit and confidence.  So with all that said I am happy to walk away from it.


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