Fashion Catalog Photography for E-Commerce

Fashion Catalog Photography for E-Commerce

Fashion Catalog Photography for E-Commerce We here at ArtChick Photo Studio provide fashion catalog photography for E-Commerce, from casting talent, makeup, styling, and directing on set.  My team will work with you every step of the way to bring your vision to life....
Commercial Model to Model Advice

Commercial Model to Model Advice

Commercial Model to Model Advice Commercial Model to Model Advice with Nicole. (IG @nickybeeking).  I decided to change things up a little bit on my YouTube Channel, ArtChickTV, from filming myself to filming and gathering another perspective through the talent I work...
Model Portfolio for Instagram Post

Model Portfolio for Instagram Post

Model Portfolio for Instagram Post This past weekend I worked with Kadence (IG @kadence.marie) to help her update her model portfolio for instagram post.  I noticed that she was recycling old content and photoshopping herself into scenes.  The reason for this was due...